Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dunkin's Donuts

In my impression, Dunkin' Donuts as a symbol of American.
Dunkin' Donuts is a part of American's life.

You can get a lot of informations about Dunkin' Donuts in this website.
Such as Dunkin' Donuts products, menu, restaurants or you wanf to shop on line.
Dunkin' Donuts have their own charity, if you want to take part in the group.  Enter this
Coffee and donuts are Dunkin's Donuts' mostly products.  But there are  also provide tea and kinds of desserts.  The custmers have so many choice.



Whatever the children, the young people or the elder people; they both like Dunkin' Donuts.  There is not only bacause the delicious food, but also there have  good services.

It is time that you should get a drink and donuts.


  1. A very good post - with links and lots of pictures. Yes, DD is another one of the fast food industry giants, similar to McDonald's! I like the coffee at DD!

  2. although it is popular in U.S, but i don't like it.

  3. I never try to buy it. because i think the drink of Dunkin DONUTS are to sweet, so actually i buy some drink and food on McDonald's.

  4. i will bu some food in DD wehn i had their cupon. i agree with ben, drinks of DD are to sweet.

  5. hi, i love Dunkin donuts taste so good!
    and i like your all pictures and it was nice blog :]

  6. i like see the picture, but i never try those food, because they will make me fat.

  7. known as dd is one of the most known place for donuts and coffee.

  8. I don't like eat Dunkin's Donuts food, but I like Dunkin's Donuts coffee.

  9. donuts and coffee is main products of d.donuts.i like bagels with cream cheese.

  10. I love the coffee from DD. Very nice work done as far as i know DD is at least better then fast food restaurants and it does symbolizes American culture

  11. the one you choose is splendid but i don't eat dunkin's donut
